Check out these e-news updates shared on October 15, 2021 to learn exciting updates connected to the Local Foods Local Places Action Plan, including:
- Tickets for Taste the Harvest Dinner + Drinks on Thursday, October 21 are now officially sold out! But wait, YOU CAN STILL ENJOY this collaborative local foods dinner IN EXCHANGE FOR VOLUNTEERING YOUR TIME that evening to help make this first annual event a great success!
- Another learning session for the Community Food Center (CFC) for downtown Lewiston – a vision for a vibrant multi-use community space that includes a cooperatively run low-cost grocery store, shared commercial kitchen, shared food storage, and café – is coming up on Tuesday, October 26, 3:30- 5:00 pm at the St. Mary’s Nutrition Center, 208 Bates Street. This will be another chance to learn about, and get engaged with, this exciting exciting vision.