On Friday, February 16, from 5-8PM the public is invited to the Closing Event of the ‘Feeding Maine’ photo exhibit, “Creating A Path to Feeding L-A”. The event will feature music by Greg & Jessie Boardman, light refreshments, opening remarks the Good Food Council, and Director of USM Food Studies, Michael Hillard, followed by some small group discussions about topics raised by a handful of photos in the exhibit. Facebook Event
Snow date is Tuesday, February 20.
This photo exhibit by Brendan Bullock documents some of the many people working to address the persistent problem of hunger in our communities across the state. The exhibit speaks to the issue of high food insecurity in Lewiston-Auburn and across the state and efforts that try to close the hunger gap with local food – emergency food programs such as ‘Mainers Feeding Mainers’ at Good Shepherd Food Bank, Maine farmers, gleaning programs, and small food self-sufficiency programs such as cooking and food-preserving. There are also suggestions for how community members can take action – including signing the L-A Community Food Charter. There is also an interactive art wall where the public is invited to leave their own words, art, or photos that relate to thier experiences with/reactions to the pervasive issue of hunger and food insecurity, and how you envision your role in creating change. This marks the first time the exhibit will display in Lewiston-Auburn.
The exhibit will be on view at the Atrium Hall Gallery at the University of Southern Maine Lewiston Auburn College from January 16 to February 23, 2018. The Gallery is open M-F, 8:00AM- 4:30PM and Saturdays, 9:00AM-3:00PM. Please check the Atrium Gallery website FMI: https://usm.maine.edu/atriumgallery