Four ways to support Maine farms right now: Maine Farmland Trust

Photo Credit: Lewiston Farmers’ Market
-Where to Purchase Local Food-
- LA Farmers’ Markets
- Buy a farm-share/CSA this growing season: Local CSAs
- Buy directly from farms in Androscoggin County using the UMaine Cooperative Extension Farm Product and Pickup Directory
- Buy local produce, cheese, baked goods, + more from a virtual farmers’ market (multiple producers) with a simple click, with delivery or scheduled pickup in Lisbon: Little Ridge Farm Farmdrop
- Buy local, sustainably raised meats from Double Z Land & Livestock in Turner (online order, curbside, + home delivery available to the LA area) or Farmers’ Gate Market in Wales (online order + curbside pick up available)
- Find local fisheries:
- Get take-out from LA area restaurants, see: LA Adapts webpage (search restaurants)
- Support the generous local businesses and organizations make our work possible: Support our sponsors
- Gleaning (ie. harvesting extra crops on the fields from generous local farmers to donate to neighbors in need) volunteer opportunities: visit the Androscoggin Gleaner Facebook page, see this simple info doc, signup here, and then gleaners will reach out with more information. Or, email
- Food Brigade of Presente! Maine has spot needs for volunteers in Lewiston and Portland to sort and deliver food.
- St. Mary’s Food Pantry
- Good Shepherd Food Bank
- Variety of volunteer opportunities: Mainers Together
- General volunteer guidance for safe deliveries

Photo Credit: Lewiston Farmers’ Market
- Donate to the Somali-Bantu Community Association’s farmland acquisition project by Dec 1, 2020 to support, among many things, food security for many Lewiston-Auburn-based families.
- Make a donation to Good Shepherd Food Bank and/or to learn how to host a virtual food drive:
- Donate to the COVID-19 Community Care Fund at Maine Initiatives to fund grassroots organizations statewide led by and advocating for those folks who are most at risk in this crisis: indigenous, black and immigrant folks; working class, low income, and poor people; and those that are too often pushed to the margins through incarceration, homelessness, disability, etc.
- Invest in the Maine’s food system through Slow Money Maine
- Support the work of the Good Food Council
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