The L-A Community Food Charter helps to pave a road map for improving the nutritious food choices for L-A residents and visitors.

 – Maine Farm & Sea Cooperative

Everyone in the L-A region should have access to locally-raised meats to fill their freezers.

 – Farmers’ Gate Market

Central Maine Medical Center and Central Maine Heart & Vascular Institute support the local efforts to have food security, sustainable agriculture, available for all in our community to assist in meeting basic human needs and to promote health and healing.


 – Central Maine Medical Center/Central Maine Heart & Vascular Institute

It is an expression of community values in relation to a healthy food system.

 – Cumberland County Food Security Council

We are excited to join alongside many others in our community who believe good food, and a strong food system, play a critical role in personal health and a thriving community.

 – St. Mary’s Nutrition Center

In order to ensure that we as a state are food secure, and that as part of our local food network, we believe that all local producers of good food should co-operate towards the greater goal of local food security.

 – Valley View Farm

Everyone deserves good food! Being clear about what that means gives us a way to move toward more and more access over time.

 – Cooperative Development Institute

Grow L+A has heard from this community the important role food plays - in health, community development and the local economy. We are excited to see the GFCLA put forth a charter that states clearly the beliefs shared by so many, and provide an opportunity for real commitment from individuals, organizations and institutions.

– Grow L+A

Our work intersects with the local food system on many levels, as we distribute meals and groceries, secure food rescue donations, and help people access agricultural and restaurant jobs. Food has the power to strengthen and unite people and none of our neighbors should be left out.

 – Trinity Jubilee Center

The American diet needs a revival and I believe the Food Charter will help do that by promoting consciously raised meats and veggies and by making it accessible to everyone. From seed to consumption, the Food Charter will help create a healthier community.

 – Little Ridge Farm

Food Charter Champions

The inidividulas, businesses, and organizations listed below are Food Charter Champions because they have proudly endorsed the Lewiston-Auburn Community Food Charter – growing the community vision and action toward a healthy local food system. You can join them: Become a Food Charter Champion today!

Abby Wilkins Bishop

Adam Boss

Adam R. Lee

Bear Bones Beer

Panacea Holistic Health

Aimee Grimmel

Dempsey Center

Ordway Grove Farm Norway ME

Alexander Thomas

Ali Manning

Ali Mediate

Alicia Rea

Lisbon School Nutrition Program

Alyson Cummings

Amy Mailman

Good Shepherd Food Bank of Maine

Andrea Breau

Ann Bouchard

Anna Low

Avery Dandreta

Bates LA

Belinda Gerry

Farmers' Gate Market

Ben Tettlebaum

Ben Chin

Maine People's Alliance

Bethany Picker

Betsy Sweet

Bettyann Sheats

Blaine Flanders

Androscoggin Valley Council of Governments

Bonnie Shulman

Bonnie Lounsbury

Bonnie Pooley

bonnie porta

Brandon Christian

Brea Pelletier

Berts' Awesome Stuff, Inc.

Camille Parrish

Carrick Gambell

Catherine Lee

Catherine Proulx

Catherine Valcourt

Cecile Thornton

Party'n With Plants

Charles Owens Jr.

Chef Kevin Michaud, MMH

Bates College Dining

Chip Morrison

Chip Morrison

Chris Bonilla

Chris Borden

Christine Wood

Double Z Land & Livestock

Central Maine Medical Center/Central Maine Heart & Vascular Institute

Corey Dilts

Norway Brewing Co

Raise-Op Housing Cooperative

Craig Saddlemire

Cynthia Baker

Bear Mountain Botanicals

Dana Rickman

Dana Staples

Dani Scherer

Coastal Enterprises, Inc. (CEI)

Daniel Davis

Daniel Wallace

Dave Seddon MBA RD LD

David Moyer

David Tyler

David Nielsen Jr

Dawn Edwards

Androscoggin Land Trust

Deb Reed

Deborah Burd

Deven Miles

Diana Clarke

Diane Erb

Donna Pagnani

Douglas Lane

City of Auburn

Dylan Metsch-Ampel

City of Lewiston

Eliza Huber-Weiss

Elizabeth Eames

Ellen Gibson

Ellen Shrader

Emily Horton

Androscoggin Valley Soil and Water Conservation District

Eric Fleischmann

Erica Dostie

Erica Hebold

Erika Gardner

Trinity Jubilee Center

Erin Cinelli

Healthy Androscoggin

Evan Morgan

Fatuma Saney

Frantasia Productions

Gee Stan

Hadley Moreau

Haley Frohlich

Hannah Horrigan

Hannah Horrigan

Hannah Read

Heather Oinonen

Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association

Heidi Audet

Hermione Zhou

Holly Ewing

Holly & Gary Bricker

Houssein Abdi

Agrarian Trust

Ingrid Merrill

Jamie Ptacek

Jamie Thomas

Jeff Harper

Androscoggin Gleaners

Jeffrey Dorian

Back Cove Personal Fitness

Jeffrey Newell

Jen August

Jennifer GendronCarleton

Jenn Howe, Ind.Director w/Pampered Chef

Eli's Homestead LLC.

Jesse Tannenbaum

Jessica Elias

Jim Pross

Cumberland County Food Security Council

Jim Lysen

Joan Churchill


Joe Philippon

Blue Ox Malthouse

John Painter

John Berry

John Brubaker

Hometown History Works

Lewiston Auburn Economic Growth Council

Pleasant View Acres

John R. Bolduc

Jonah Fertig

Jonathan Myles

Joseph Gephart

Joseph Kubetz

Joshua Nagine

Joy Harrington

Baxter Brewing Co.

Julia Harper

Justin Liudvinaitis

Justin Nadeau

Food Joy

Karen Harris

Karen Lane

Kate Delvecchio

Kate Brennan

Kate Peters

Katherine Collins

Patch Farm

Katherine Lary

Kathleen Juten

YWCA Central Maine

Kathy Durgin-Leighton

4 Season Farm Market

Katie Boss

Kaylee Jipson

Keena Tracy

Kelly LaCasse

Kelsey Bailey

Maine Network of Community Food Councils

Kim Finnerty

Kim Finnerty

Fields Edge Farm

Kira Spellman

Kirsten Walter

St. Mary's Nutrition Center

Kirstin Moynihan

Lewiston Housing

Kristen Cloutier

Lewiston Area Public Health Committee

Kristen D'Eramo

Kristine Kittridge

Kyle Dussault

Laura Trask

Lauren Breau

L/A Community Acupuncture

Leelaine Picker

Leigh Olesen

Leonard Tower Jr

Leslie Williams

Lewis Cheshire

Linda Scott

Lindiwe Majele Sibanda

Lis Janes

Lisa Clarke

Lisa Mayer

Lisa Roy

Louise Ingraham

Lucas Flach

Androscoggin Gleaners

Madelyn Reed

Maggie Davis

Maisey Griffin

Marcel Gagne

Marcela Peres

Marcella Belanger

Maria Harrison

Mariah Vaillancourt

Mariah Bouthiller

Loaves & Fishes Hidden Treasure

Mark Cayer

Marsha Tannenbaum

Martin Harper

Side By Each Brewing Co.

Maurice and Gisele Guerrette

Megan Crowder

YWCA Central Maine

melissa bilodeau

Melissa Emerson

Pinetree Garden Seeds

Mia Poliquin Pross

Michael Sargent

Andrews Farm - Gardiner, ME

Missy North-Drain

Nancy Orr

Nancy Reynolds

Natalie Bornstein

Nicola Chin

Niomi Larrivee

Lewiston Green Independent Party

Noah Sherwood

Cooperative Development Institute

Olivia Deschenes

Northeast Bank

Androscoggin Bank

Paula Jursa

Peter Rubins

Austin Associates, PA

Phil Doucette

Piper Norcross

Rebecca Dugan

Rene Dumont

St. Mary's Health System

Capital Area Food Council

Renée Poulin

Rep. Peggy Rotundo


Rich Oberg

RitaMae Morin

RitaMae Morin

Roberta O'Brion

Ryan Parker

Samuel Chamberlain

The Maine Food Strategy

Sara Boss

Sara Goodrich, LMT - Renew You! Massage and Yoga

Sarah Barton

Sarah Sterling

Sarah Ullman

Scott Vlaun

Center for Ecology Based Economy

Seth Mirsky

Shaad Masood

Shae Morin

Shana Wallace

Grow L+A

Project Tipping Point

Shelley Kruszewski

Sherie Blumenthal

Siiri Cressey

Sonia Turgeon

Stefaney Goupille

Stephanie Gilbert

Stephanie Wade

Central Maine Gleaners Group

Bangor Savings Bank

Steven Wallace

YMCA of Auburn-Lewiston

Susan Brown

Suzannah Paradis

Tammy Wood

Tasha Raymond

Tatiyana Garnes

Taylor Brosious

Terry Smith

Tessa Lajoie

test test

test test

Theresa Kelly

Thomas Conrad

Tim MacLeod

Toby Haber

First Universalist Church of Auburn

Auburn PAL Cooking Thru Science

Tracey Miller

Tyme Finnerty

Maine MEP

Will Fessenden

Center for an Ecology-Based Economy

Zizi Vlaun

Zoe Maguire